Captains' Messages

Captain's Message

I am very much looking forward to taking on the captaincy of our great club. It is a great honour and huge responsibility, especially during economically challenging times. I have benefitted enormously from serving on the CMC and watching the manner that our last two presidents, Bobby and Martin have steered the club. My predecessor Mark has worked tirelessly throughout his tenure as captain and has given me great advice.

I look forward to meeting and playing with as many members as possible and will be supporting all club teams from the sidelines. I would also like to congratulate Carol, our lady captain and look forward to working with her to hopefully move the club forward.

As an ex-soldier I have chosen BLESMA, which supports the far too numerous limbless veterans. Whilst not a local charity, I hope this meets with your approval and you will help me by donating in the boxes in the clubhouse.

Chris Blakeway
Captain 2024/25

Lady Captain’s Message

It is an honour to be Lady Captain of Dewsbury District Golf Club for 2024
and I will look forward to supporting and promoting the club throughout the
year in golf and social events both home and away.
I am hoping that the weather improves as i am sure we are all looking forward
fine weather, sunnier days and no mud!
I will be raising money this year for both the ladies section and my chosen Charity
which is Dementia Uk, who provide specialist nurses and support for families
affected by dementia.
I look forward to working with Chris this year and wish him all the best for his Captaincy.

And last but not least, I would like to wish you all a successful and happy golfing season!

Carol Ruta Ladies Captain 2024/25